The following firearms training courses are suitable for novices, i.e. people with no prior knowledge or experience with firearms, as well as for beginners who have a little experience:


Firearms 101:

A very basic introduction to firearms, focusing mostly on handguns, help obtaining a pistol permit in your county, and basic safety and general concerns regarding firearms, such as storage, cost, accessorizing, and responsible ownership.

– NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course: Introduces novices to safe & responsible shotgun ownership & use. Includes approx. 50-75 rds. from several shotguns, optionally from several shooting angles.
– NRA Basic Pistol Shooting CourseIntroduces novices to safe & responsible pistol ownership, use, & shooting techniques. Firing semi-auto pistol & revolver, approx. 100 rounds. 
– NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course: Introduces novices to safe & responsible rifle ownership & use. You’ll shoot approx. 100 rds. from several action types of rifle, from several shooting stances.


All include the following:

  • Safety rules for ownership, handling, use, shooting, storage, cleaning and purchasing criteria of the firearm in question.
  • Proper shooting stances and techniques, the intended purposes of the firearm and its various types of operation.
  • Parts, functions, controls and purpose and means of operation.
  • Ammunition function, parts, identification, safe handling, intended use, storage and matching to intended firearm.
  • Sight types, function and “zeroing” adjustment of specific sight with specific firearm and shooter for set distance.
  • Live-fire exercises, with several types of arms, several shooting stances and techniques, possibly different ammunitions. Bringing student up to a level where they can start practicing and improving on their own, an acceptable level for beginners.
  • NRA Book & certificate for appropriate firearm category, Winchester booklet.


At course completion, you will be able to understand and identify the firearm category at hand, the different action types, the proper ammunition, safe handling and shooting principles, responsible ownership, criteria for firearm purchase and its ammunition, understanding cleaning and maintenance procedures.

– NRA FIRST Steps Shotgun Orientation:
– NRA FIRST Steps Pistol Orientation:
– NRA FIRST Steps Rifle Orientation

These classes were conceived for new firearm purchasers in order to familiarize them with their new gun.


However, this class is great for anyone who doesn’t want a full-length course; it includes one single specific firearm (i.e. pump action shotgun only, or bolt action rifle only). Courses’ length is typically 3 hours, and include the following:

  • Safe handling, use, shooting, ownership, storage & cleaning of the gun.
    •    Parts, function and control of the gun in question.
    •    Ammunition intended for the firearm.
    •    Uses of the firearm.
    •    Live fire exercises with one gun, one ammo, one stance.

    – Firearms 102:

  • thorough overview of the different firearm categories, types within each    category, their use, parts, function and purpose.
    • practical use of many arms, their application and implication for the individual user.
    • field-stripping (primary takedown for cleaning & maintenance) of some popular models.
    • choosing a firearm for its specific purpose, (personal defense, competition, practice, etc) and multiple – purpose guns.
    • sighting and sighting options; choosing your sights wisely.
    • guns and kids.
    • some legal aspects of firearms.

    – A day at the range:

Class as above, live fire exercise includes shooting, rifles, shotguns and possibly pistols in a more informal, relaxed and manner. More family oriented and less technical. Tailored to the individual’s needs. This session can be had separately from class.


– “AR-15 – An American Dream: Everything you ever wanted to know about the AR-15; construction, makers, models, options, chambers, calibers, use, configurations, compatibility, myths and truths, what to buy, what to avoid, comparison to other rifles, and how to go about building one. Course cost: with Basic Rifle Course$30, taken independently: $85 (shoot approx. 40 rds)